New Products

See PDS’ newest products for radon remediation and testing.  3D printed, USA-made radon reduction equipment from local, family-owned vendors.  See PDS products in action here.

Water-tight MI-Rn3 system.  Not a low voltage system. Features Rn3 Fantech Fan and water tight meter indicator for exterior installation.  Useful in multi-family dwellings where system needs to be checked for performance without bothering building occupants (i.e. apartment buildings; office buildings; military bases, etc.).


The KTA 1.0 Low-Voltage Radon System is the original low-voltage radon mitigation system.  Field tested for over 30 years, it's one of the best selling systems in the country.  For use in instances when fans will be installed away from a power source, the KTA systems allows for fans to be placed up to 100 ft away from a wall outlet. For best long-term performance, do not cut cord below 60'.


Nearly everything you need for an attic fan installation!  Perfect for activating homes that were built radon ready with soil gas mat! Kit includes: 1- Fantech Rn2 1 - U-tube 2 - 4" X 4" LDVI couplings 1 - Cord with strain relief fitting 3- Caution System Labels 1- PDS Short Term Test Kit


PDS-150 exclusive to PDS Kit Includes: PDS-150, 120 volt fan for installation by electrician. Pneumatic incline manometer indicator. Two, 4-inch flexible fan to pipe couplers, black. Short-term radon test kit & analysis. Long-term radon test kit & analysis. Three system labels. Hydro-sep water separation device.


PDS-150, 120 volt fan for installation by electrician. Pneumatic incline manometer indicator. Two, 4-inch flexible fan to pipe couplers, black. Short-term radon test kit & analysis. Long Term Radon Test Kit Three system labels.


KTA-150 Mitigation Package Inside includes:
  • KTA-150 Original Low Voltage fan with metered 1.0 electronic system indicator.
  • Two, 4-inch flexible fan to pipe couplers.
  • 50' of cable with integral electrical disconnect.
  • Charcoal canister short-term radon test kit & analysis.
  • Alpha Track long-term radon test kit & analysis.
  • Three system labels.


Cox Caulk Applicator for use with "sausage" caulk tubes. Call for spare parts sold.  Don't throw out a perfectly good gun with a missing spring, cap, etc. Our most popular manual applicator.  Call for sale prices on electric models.
