In Colorado, the average home has a 52% chance of having radon levels above the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L. In Vegas, the “house odds” on roulette are also about 52%. If you were to bet your life savings or say, the contents of your health savings account, on red at the MGM in Vegas, would you call that a safe bet? Of course not. Well, the vast majority of Colorado homeowners are making that bet by default. Take control of your radon risk. Reach out to CDPHE or your local health department for free radon testing resources.
Many researchers show that lower income households are hesitant to test for radon—as these residents do not think they can afford a fix if they find a problem. Luckily, the state of Colorado has your back. The Low Income Radon Mitigation Assistance program (LIRMA) is designed for homeowners’ primary residence and the owner’s adjusted gross income. At the time of publication, a three person HH in Adams or Denver county making $92,400 or less would qualify for assistance from the LIRMA program.
What are you waiting for? Don’t bet against the house. Get a radon test.